0 thoughts on “You’ve been fair warned, you scurvy dogs!”

  1. It’s a proper treacherous quiz too, by thunder. Some of the answers have no questions, leavin’ you as much in the dark as Blind Pew.

    But I got 10 out of 13, I did.

  2. Arr! I saw no answers without their questions, sir, but I did see questions too slippery to answer. I only managed 8 of the 13–the salty dog.

  3. I must admit, I find pirates to be vexatious to my spirit. Being a woman of a certain age, and inclined to appreciating proper hygiene, I have no scruples in raising a huzzah for the officers and gentlemen of the navy who protect us from such barbarous men. (And women if they are so inclined.)

    This being Talk Like a Pirate Day means I will have to endure Hugh Hewitt “arrgging” throughout his show.

  4. Truth to tell, I’ve always drifted to the Royal Navy’s side, meself.

    But talking like a pirate, that be another kettle of porridge.

    ‘Tis a guy thing, belike.

  5. Confession: When “Peter Pan” with Mary Martin was shown on TV during the mid-50s, I (a very small boy at the time) always ran out of the room when the pirates showed up. So I only knew of them by reputation. Never actually saw them.

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