Report from the barricades

This controversy over the health care bill must be galvanizing the American people, because it roused The Most Sedentary, Antisocial Man in America (your humble servant) to join a rally at the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul on Saturday. Although it was unseasonably warm for mid-March, we had overcast skies and a nasty cold wind, and I wished I’d worn a nondescript watch cap, rather than my stylish fedora.

I persuaded a friend to come with me. We heard, among others, Captain Ed Morrisey of Hot Air blog, and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (I was able to tell my friend that I’d shaken her hand once, which filled him with satisfying awe).

Very stirring. On the evening news, our local CBS affiliate seemed conflicted in their reporting of the attendance. At one point they called it a huge rally. A minute later they described the crowd as “hundreds.”

My own guess (and I’m not very good at this) was about 2,000 people. That jibes pretty well with the estimates of the capitol police, as reported here at Power Line.

Don’t look for me in the photos. I was pretty far back. And I’m not very tall.

0 thoughts on “Report from the barricades”

  1. Ah, Lars, there ya go again, Mr. Humble….. You will always be tall in my book!

    BTW… It is very easy to recognize where you are standing near the back of the crowd… With those Viking horns sticking out the sides of your fedora, well, need I say more?

  2. I can barely stand what’s going on at Capitol Hill. It’s disgusting. I pray a good bit over it and I’m likely to give money, but I’m not confident about giving to political things. My personal troubles are keeping me from watching the last few days statements and events closely.

  3. You are tall, and I think you should challenge Obama or Franken or Klubuchar to a holmganga.

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