She's Broken. We've Known It for Years.

Lawrence Meyers is writing about what’s wrong in Hollywood this week and next.

Here’s the diagnosis regarding Hollywood’s present malady:

1) Movies operate in a statistical environment of extreme uncertainty

2) Uncertainty creates fear

3) Fear creates a desire to control

4) Desire to control has resulted in a multi-layered, needlessly expensive studio bureaucracy, resulting in sub optimal risk management.

5) The goal of each individual level of the bureaucracy is to insulate itself from criticism from the layer above it.

6) This results in the hiring of the most expensive, but not necessarily most talented or suitable, creative team
to manufacture product that audiences are losing interest in and are not designed to achieve maximum ROI.

0 thoughts on “She's Broken. We've Known It for Years.”

  1. And this is why Hollywood types forever shout about their creative rights. Because they know in their weasel hearts that they smother creativity in its cradle every day.

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