Too tired to come up with a title

Dog laying down

Photo credit: Getty Images.

I’m not much use today, I’m afraid. A drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk. Slogged my way through work, and then drove home knowing I ought to mow the lawn, but pretty sure (I was correct) that I didn’t have the energy to do it.

I woke up last night a little before 3:00 a.m., to the sound of someone pounding on a door. I’m not sure it wasn’t my door, but in any case it’d stopped by the time my head was clear. I pulled on some clothes and went out and looked around, but saw no sign of either Paul Revere or the Angel of Death. So back to bed, and insomnia (as is my wont when my sleep’s disturbed in any way at all). Got up again. Checked email and Facebook. Finally grew tired again and managed a couple hours more sleep before the alarm went off.

So instead, just a link to Mitch Berg at Shot In the Dark, who came out with this gem today:

Our father in heaven:

In the past year you took away my favorite b-list cheesecake actress, Britney Murphy. You took away my favorite libertarian-conservative columnist, William Safire. And you took away the inventor of one of my favorite guitars, Les Paul.

I just want you to know that Barack Obama is…

…still the worst president of my lifetime. Don’t take him…

Read the rest here.

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