Tips on Writing Better Junk and Stuff

Here’s a hit-n-miss list of writing tips. Number 1: Become a blogger. Eh, I can’t say that’s good advice. I know Lars and I make it look easy by whipping out brilliant, concise posts day after day, but does writing any type of blog make anyone a better writing? I’d think writing at all would have the same benefit.

Number two: Use self-imposed word limits. Now, this is good advice. I’ve been working on 100 words short-shorts for posting here, and the word limit push me to carefully examine otherwise serviceable sentences. I hope I don’t ruin them in the process, but you can let me know once I start putting them up.

Browse the rest of this list to see any of them inspire you.

7 thoughts on “Tips on Writing Better Junk and Stuff”

  1. Best writing advice I ever heard? Write a lot. And don’t stop writing.

    Kinda funny how I had overlooked the obvious, but it’s true: I always assumed there was more to it than that. But really, you learn a LOT about writing just by doing it.

  2. Phil—I started writing “100 word stories” a few years ago, and discovered that it was much harder to write one hundred words than to write a thousands words. It killed me to cut away all the meat and fat, and get down to the bone. Then I had to learn how to polish the bone! I never tried it for “non-fiction” though.

    @Loren Eaton—I don’t know how I missed Advent Ghosts, but count me for this season. I do have a website, but it’s been dark for a few years. Maybe Advent Ghosts will give me the jump start I need to write again!

  3. I believe that in the past I would have benefitted from your advice, but as i am an experienced writer that does it a lot, at this point in my life I think that my writing is as as concise as possible in my opinion, so I probably won’t be in need of your advice. Thanks anyway.

  4. Thank you, Loren. I enjoyed the stories very much. I’ve never written a “ghost” story, but I love Christmas stories, so this will be a challenge for me.

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