R.I.P. Robin Williams, 1951-2014

Robin Williams greets the troops on a USO tour.

You’ve probably already heard the news that Robin Williams is dead at the age of 63. I sat thinking about which of his movies I’ve seen, and I realized I’ve only seen one – Popeye, a film of which I am, as far as I know, the only fan in the world (it helps to appreciate it if you know about the original comic strip, not the animated cartoons).

But the man had an unquestionable gift. Nobody ever did “off the wall” improvisational, stream of consciousness comedy like he did. He always admired Jonathan Winters, but he was better than Winters. He hit the bullseye more often.

Reports are that he died by his own hand, having struggled with depression and substance abuse for many years. One always suspected that he needed artificial stimulation to maintain that manic comic delivery. But he also seemed to be able to work just fine when he had dried out. Still, we don’t know the pressures he was under. I can speak from experience about the pain of depression. Someone like me can always tell himself that if we achieved this or that we’d feel better. What do you do when you’ve reached the top and still don’t feel good about yourself?

I had always assumed – stereotypically – that Robin Williams was Jewish. But his Wikipedia page says he was raised Episcopalian, and remained a member of that church.

We sacramentalists put great faith in the keeping power of God’s grace in baptism and holy communion. Let us pray that Robin Williams has found his long-sought peace in the grace of the Lord Jesus.

6 thoughts on “R.I.P. Robin Williams, 1951-2014”

  1. I generally liked Williams, but he had such a foul mouth he pushed me away. He could be very funny, but when he didn’t have an young audience in mind, he could be very foul. I was just looking at some of his movies to see what I have missed. I watched the trailer for and read a bit of summary on World’s Greatest Dad. Yuck. I can’t watch that. I noticed a recent news video from Australia with him in a lengthy video. The first few minutes had terrible language.

  2. Yeah, he worked blue. And he held many views that offend me. But I’ve always been fond of him, and he died in a sorrowful way, so I tried to say good things.

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