I’m all right

In case you were worried, I wasn’t anywhere near the 35W bridge when it collapsed tonight. It’s a terrible thing, and aside from the suffering (one confirmed dead at this time) it will cripple local commerce and transportation for a long time. This was the major artery of our community.

They say there’s no reason to suspect terrorism. I’ll go out on a limb and say that, personally, I do suspect it.

0 thoughts on “I’m all right”

  1. I’m stunned. Reading your post a moment ago is the first I had known about it. Never before has something like that happened to a structure I’ve driven over dozens of times. May the LORD have mercy.

    The current Yahoo story about it says “at least six killed” and repeats the “no terrorism” line.

  2. I just heard the news.

    Had to come out of my dazy of unpacking boxes to check on you.

    Glad you are still in the land of the living and suspicious.

  3. …”thought of you when I heard about this, but checked the blog and saw the Beowulf piece.”

    same here.

    Whew, feeling very sad for your Twin City neighbors. I’m with you, as being suspicious, and it could happen anywhere.

  4. And now I’m feeling stupid for not having checked here, just being worried since I’ve heard.

    I’m glad you’re unharmed.

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