Category Archives: The Press

Nothing but a link tonight

Sorry, nothing much tonight either. I gotta run around and do stuff, and give somebody a ride too. But here’s a link from Redstate, which amuses me. (Warning: it’s political.)

I promise I’ll try to post something tomorrow.

“Absurd, Ridiculous and Mind-bogglingly Insensitive”

But that’s the New York Times for you. Opinion Journal points out an article on the NYT website by Freakonomics author Steven D. Levitt, who asks, “If you were a terrorist, how would you attack?”

Now, that question alone is a little shocking, but more importantly, it’s the same type of question the Pentagon asked in 2003 to the Times’ harsh criticism. “The insensitivity of the idea boggles the mind. . . . The project’s theoretical underpinnings are equally absurd,” they said back then. Now they must think it’s an acceptable query.

James Taranto concludes, “Has the Times become more sensible since 2003? The question answers itself. Thus it must be that the Times has become more absurd, ridiculous and mind-bogglingly insensitive.”

More Fabrications from the Left

The New Republic’s “” wrote remarkable stories citing anonymous sources. Apparently, those stories were fantasy, not journalism. The “diarist” has even recanted under oath.

Tony Blair’s Complaints Against the Press

World Magazine founder Joel Belz writes on former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s statements to the press, that they report like pack animals, if you can call it reporting. The modern press, Blair says, are scandal-mongers.

BBC Faked Charity Contest Winners

The BBC has canceled phone-in contests after confessing some of their previous contests had phony winners. During the contests, apparently technical problems arose which prevented callers from getting through. Instead of postponing the contest, employees of the faked a winner. The Telegraph lists some specific shows.

Updating a earlier story on the BBC, the production company responsible for depicting the Queen as storming out of a photo shoot, when she did nothing of the kind, has apologized for embarrassing the BBC and essentially lying about the Queen.

The Devil Is in the Details

In Reuters article on a possible cure for a common form of blindness, the reporter writes, “Embryonic stem cells are the ultimate master cells of the body, giving rise to all of the tissues and organs. Their use is controversial because many people oppose embryo destruction, although Britain has encouraged such research.”

I guess this is par of the course in our culture of death, but explanations like this still surprise me. Sure, some people oppose using unborn children as medicine, but more than that, as I understand it, embryonic stem cells have not accomplished anything in the lab. They are praised and hoped for, but the real results have come from adult stem cells about which there is no controversy.