Tag Archives: live steel combat

Friday Fight: She’s Mine!

Do you remember the good ol’ days when we posted a video of live steel combat every Friday? I’m pretty sure we shared this first one back then. It’s two years old from the Høstfest. Lars quickly dispatches Philip Patton, who looks as if he can’t fight in this video:

Philip shows he can fight here:

The woman over whom they are fighting (not really) is Kelsey, who has a Høstfest video of her own from this year’s festival. Have you browsed her store? She has some great clothing there among other good things.

Friday Fight: Boarspear

It occurs to me a bit late that today is Friday, and we used to feature a live steel combat video on Friday, and you know Lars is out today, on a Friday of all days, so maybe the vikings have recorded some new fights. Oh, look. They have.

Live Steel Combat: Tivoli Fest

As Lars said yesterday, he is raiding and pillaging Elk Horn, Iowa, for the rich spoils of the Tivoli Fest. Here’s a bit of what he may be doing this weekend.

This video is from last year’s Tivoli Fest.

Friday Fight: The Axeman Cometh

The swordsman here doesn’t appear to be eager enough to fight. He’s playing half-hearted defense. I wonder if he had charged the axeman early, would the whole fight be changed by that burst of passion?