Tomorrow, We’ll Have Less Zucchini

Tomorrow, August 8, is Sneak Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night. If you have more zucchini than you want, take time tomorrow to celebrate with friends, family, or strangers by giving it to them. Need a bit of motivation to eat zucchini? Try this yummy zucchini cobbler recipe. It really tastes close to apple cobbler. Ice cream helps as always.

If you happen to be in Vermont later this month, watch out for zucchini enthusiasts at the 11th Annual Vermont State Zucchini Festival. I’m told that if you leave your car windows down while walking around the festival, you may find someone has “blessed” you with vegetable gifts when you return.

0 thoughts on “Tomorrow, We’ll Have Less Zucchini”

  1. I have for years held the following firm conviction, which I have never seen refuted: Anything you can make with zucchini is just as good if you leave the zucchini out.

  2. Well, no. Take that zucchini cobbler recipe. If you take out the zucchini, you don’t have anything. My sweet wife who makes excellent zucchini bread says you don’t make zucchini things b/c of the flavor of the squash. You make them for zucchini’s nutrition, for its texture/moisture, and for its simple substance. The zucchini doesn’t add flavor, but it does spread the flavor around a bit. So zucchini bread is different, probably better, than similarly flavored white bread. And some dishes will use less oil because the zucchini adds moisture.

  3. My favorite? Zucchini lasagna. Replace the noodles with zucchini! So easy, and perfect for a diabetic like me, always looking for ways to avoid too much pasta.

    We used to get it by the truck load from my sister, but the ever growing Michigan deer population got to it first.

    It is painful to buy those things at the farmer’s market at 5 for $1.00. But, I do it.

  4. I meant to say before that our zucchini crop is pretty low this year. I thought we’d have several by this time, but maybe our soil is deficient.

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