Just to show my vigorous independence of mind, I’m going to confess before the world that I think Rachel Zegler is very pretty. There have been a lot of jokes about how no character played by Gal Gadot (admittedly a knockout) needs to fear that poor Rachel would be a threat to her status as “fairest of them all.” Several commenters have disparaged Ms. Zegler’s looks. But she appeals to me. The delicate-figure and-big-eyes look works, as far as I’m concerned. Kind of like a… what comes to mind? A Disney princess.
But it’s not just Rachel’s appearance that I feel I need to defend. Granted, she has certainly earned (at least) a lot of the ridicule that’s been heaped on her, for her public condescension and tone-deafness. She has become the poster girl for Woke arrogance – and she’s earned it.
And yet, I don’t think she’s entirely to blame.
In a real sense, I think, she’s been trying to play it by the book. Only she’s been using the wrong book.
She has relentlessly said the wrong thing in almost every situation. First she insulted her audience, and then she doubled down on the insults. Apparently the studio people tried to rein her in, to explain that you can’t alienate half your potential audience and then expect them to want to see you sing and dance. But she didn’t seem to get the message.
This, I think, was not because she didn’t care about the Disney enterprise. I think she did it because she believes deeply in the Disney enterprise, in a different way.
She believes in what the Disney movies say.
And what do the Disney movies say?
The Disney movies, especially the recent ones, tell young women like Rachel, “You go, girl! You speak your truth! Don’t let anybody – especially any man – tell you what to do! You are a strong woman, and if you only stand your ground and never compromise, you must triumph in the end!”
And that’s how she’s played it. She hasn’t listened to anybody who told her she was off course – even if they paid her salary. Because she has to be true to the truth of her heart. In the end everyone will be forced to admit that they were wrong, and that she – the Princess, the Girl Boss – was right all along. And everyone will love her.
That didn’t exactly work out.
Instead, she now finds herself out of work and a public laughingstock.
The cognitive dissonance must be horrific. Her goddess has failed her. The promise of the Disney Princess came up snake eyes; she wished upon a star and her wish didn’t come true.
I feel sorry for her at this place in her life. It must be very lonely.
Now, if Rachel’s life were a film script, I know what I’d do in Act II.
I’d have her meet a Big Guy. A guy with broad shoulders, a farmer or a trucker or a plumber or something. Some plot contrivance would throw them together, and she would hate him at first sight. It would be like dog and cat. Everything he did would be seen as an insult, a male chauvinist provocation. She would harangue him about his privilege and scream about how he was oppressing her just by existing.
Finally, in a rage, she’d attack him with her fists. He’d grab her wrists until she stopped struggling. Then he’d kiss her hard. And her insides would turn to goo.
And then they’d get married, move to a small town, and have lots of babies.
Of course, such a heretical story could never get filmed today.
But I’ll bet it would sell tickets.
Unlike some other films I could mention.