The Economy is Up

At least, it is for sales of Any Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and guns.

“‘Americans are flocking to buy and read Atlas Shrugged because there are uncanny similarities between the plot-line of the book and the events of our day’ said Yaron Brook, Executive Director at the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights.” I haven’t read the book. Is it a tragedy? I keep thinking about buying a gun too, but I haven’t. I hear the supply is down because demand is so far up. No need to fear, Americans. Nancy Pelosi said she wasn’t interested in restricting second amendment rights for the time being.

0 thoughts on “The Economy is Up”

  1. After 900 million in aid to Gaza in this Stimulous Package/Omnibus Monster Thing that wouldn’t die deal…the economy of Iran’s bomb builders ought be looking up as well.

  2. It may be online in part or in whole. I’m sure there are full summaries and extensive commentary of it online.

    Is Mr. Obama the best thing to happen to conservativism in a long time? Maybe but I doubt it. I heard a depressiing call from a woman yesterday who said she and her husband would start earning less money so they could avoid some taxes and avoid having much of their retirement taken from them. She said after talking to her husband about it, she got a fund-raising call from the GOP. She told them never to call again because when they were in power, they acted like Democrats.

    I can’t endorse everything she expressed in her call, but she’s right about the GOP. I hope Michael Steele really turns it around, but even if he does, there are too many of The Wrong Kind of People in national politics. Mr. Steele could do everything right only to have it reversed with the next GOP chairman.

  3. I can’t endorse everything she expressed in her call, but she’s right about the GOP.

    Yes, but nothing brings introspection like clear failure. The GOP is a lot more likely to clean up its act if it’s in opposition.

    But the real question is whether we’ll exit this depression believing that Obama rescued the country, or made a bad situation significantly worse. I suspect the depression will take long enough we’ll get the second impression.

  4. Yeah, but there are some (who knows how many) in the Republican party who don’t care about winning. They just want to play ball a little. Conversative values are unreasonable, even embarrassing. That’s not counting the ones who are actually liberals and vote with the Democrats most of the time anyway.

  5. A better book to read (for the average reader) would be ‘The forgotten man’ by Amity Shlaes. (Amity is a name I’ve never come across before. Does anyone know where it comes from.)This is an account of the Great Depression of the U.S. It’s well done; though it doesn’t get much into economics. (As Rothbard’s book does.)

    – one thing one notices about welfare socialism,is that it makes it offers people many incentives not to earn above a certain minimal level. (i.e. one loses many benefits if you make a certain level of income.)

  6. I keep thinking to link to her blog or dig up a review of the book, but I haven’t. Her blog isn’t very active lately. Like you say, I’ve heard great things about the book.

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