Dirty Politics

Talk something through with me. Why don’t conservatives fight dirty with liberals like they do with us (generally speaking)? Many have argued that we should fight fire with fire. An essay in the National Review argues this point, saying liberals don’t care about anything but political power and will argue any means, however illogical, to achieve their desired ends. So do you believe that and do you think conservatives should return evil for evil as it were? If not, why not?

0 thoughts on “Dirty Politics”

  1. After reading the linked article, I had the impression that Mr. Kahane was letting off quite a bit of pent up steam. It seemed to me that he diagnosed the problem well, but the solution of fighting fire with fire misses the mark. Certainly, legitimate infractions of the law by the liberals should be addressed in court. But I think the greater problem is needing cool headed leaders that can articulate the fallacies in liberalism while expounding clear conservative positions is what we need.

    I think the Tea Parties are a good general example of a large number of people who are fed up with partisan politics. These groups cross the lines by being made up Democrats, Independents, and Republicans. They know our nation is going off a cliff, but need sane political leaders who can clearly articulate the issues and who are Americans first and party members second.

    Another problem is ignorance. It seems to me that a large number of people have their heads in the sand. By that I mean a large number of people are busy trying to live and/or so fed up with the futility of politics that they have retreated into their own worlds.

    Here are a couple of articles the relate to your question. I read them this morning and thought were quite good:

    Pastor Riddlebarger aka a guest on Issues Etc. http://tinyurl.com/nw2yu9

    Rod Dreher aka Crunchy Con: http://tinyurl.com/lh8694

    This 50 year old cartoon pretty much sums up the whole problem – one of those must sees: http://tinyurl.com/l8px65

  2. Fight dirty? No.

    But fight a good fight. Don’t just roll over and take it. Don’t try to be collegial and friendly with someone who’s out to slit your throat. Be relentless in the pursuit of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” Maintain your good humor–Laugh at the ridiculous.

  3. I meant to talk about this, but I was tied up a bit. I don’t believe we are the kind to fight dirty as they do, but it seems when our guys fight, they get raked over whatever coals could be fired up by the press. Take the current hearings for Sonya Sotomayor. If Clarence Thomas had said he thinks wise black men have judicial advantage over just about any white men because of life experience, they would have treated him . . . well, like they treated him during his hearing.

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