The State of English, or There Stands a Nave Without, Sire

I heard of this book recently, and it appears you can read it online. If not, you can at least read several pages of John McWhorter’s Doing our own thing: the degradation of language and music and why we should, like, care. I think the media-saturated world has given great influence to people who care more about being cool and comfortable than being eloquent, educated, or edifying. How did valley girl slang spread throughout the country? Because the pretty, young hedonists live near one of the media-centers of the world.

4 thoughts on “The State of English, or There Stands a Nave Without, Sire”

  1. Look at it this way; we are in the midst of the dumbing down of America. It is so much easier to talk like… dumb… then encourage it… then make it look cool.

    As kids we used to laugh at our teachers for forcing good grammar on us… now I understand.

    Many people in our society are offended if anyone appears more….educated, or… sophisticated, or… uses bigger words than they do.

    Our newpapers are written at a third-grade level… a pastor I know has said that 80% of the attendees don’t know who Noah was….

    Guess who elects the Obamas for president?

    Guess who can sell the same folks the Brooklyn Bridge?

    Guess who the media can tell anything to and this crowd will willingly believe it?

    A lot more could be said…but I fear people will accuse me of talking conspiracy theory.

  2. Brings me back once again to the Law of Jante, the Janteloven. America can thank the Scandihoovians for that one.

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