Honest Coffee Lovers of the U.S., Unite!

This is what browsing the InterWebs will do for you: introduce you to a vintage advertisement demanding high quality of coffee in America in 1960. “The time has come to take a stand!” insists the League of Honest Coffee Lovers. “More coffee in our coffee or fight!”

The Pan American Coffee Bureau (PACB) was soliciting citizens to insist on pure or purer coffee from the coffee growers of the world, and I gather coffee growers wanted to comply if it weren’t for dropping global prices. Farmers in Africa and Latin America were straining to make ends meet, so they didn’t mind U.S. drinkers having weaker brew while paying the same price, but the PACB wouldn’t have it. They urged Life magazine readers and others to insist on a standard coffee measure for their coffee.

The campaign went nowhere except to be fodder for Mad Magazine writers who published a satire for the fictitious League of Frightened Coffee Growers, who had “java jitters” over the impending coffee drinker crusade.

(Source: Uncommon Grounds: the History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World By Mark Pendergrast)

0 thoughts on “Honest Coffee Lovers of the U.S., Unite!”

  1. From the looks of the guy in the 60s ad, he’s had a few too many sips at the ole coffee barrel….

    Besides, I will be content with getting my caffeine

    from nature’s most natural source; Pepsi Cola.

    The sweet nectar of life!

  2. Yes, I laughed at the man’s face too. I’m sure he thinks his cup is darn good as well, or maybe he thinks it’s swell. I’m not sure what word he would use. Have you heard the commercial for some drink with an old guy saying it’s a zippy kinda zippy thing? That’s probably this guy in our photo with 40 years added to him.

  3. I have to add: Since the title of the original post is; “Honest Coffee Drinkers..etc….”

    Does this imply that there are, dishonest coffee drinkers in the US???

    Just HAD do ask….

  4. That’s what they called themselves, the League of Honest Coffee Lovers. It’s probably not honesty on their part at all, because they are just drinking what they’re served.

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