Lutefisk burrito, anyone?

If anybody should be planning to start a Mexican-Scandinavian fusion restaurant anytime soon, I have a great name to suggest, which you may use free of charge.

Olé Olson’s.

No need to thank me. I do this for the good of humanity.

0 thoughts on “Lutefisk burrito, anyone?”

  1. Then there are always the ever popular;

    lutefisk lattes….

    …always guaranteed to please the most discriminating tastes.

  2. I suppose a lutefisk burrito would be wrapped in lefse, naturally. When I lived in South Texas in the mid-90s, I told people that lefse basically was a Norwegian potato tortilla, and they understood perfectly. I avoided speaking of lutefisk …

  3. I remember seeing “Norwegian tacos” on a local resort’s menu back in the 70s. It was a normal (well, normal for North Dakota, that is) wrapped in lefse instead of a corn or flour tortilla.

    Not bad, actually.

  4. We have a number of vendors here at the Back of the North Woods who go around with little trailers out of which they sell what they call Uff-Da Tacos. I’ve never tried one so I’m not sure of what they consist.

  5. Ori…. I am surprised that no one has told you yet…. I’m sorry but there are NO Jews in Norway! It is a Lutheran country and there are only Norwegian Lutherans running around there…

    There are a couple of Norwegian Lutheran Synods no one seems to talk or know much about…they aren’t Evangelical Lutherans or Free Lutherans but a small synod of folks who are called Jacob’s,(Jordon’s),Original Torah Synod. (Better known as the Norwegian JOTS. (This synod is NOT to be confused with the Norwegian TITLES, (Torahs In Tiny Little English Synod.)

    Bjorgsven Rubenstien founded the JOTS and Svendivigne Rubenburg the TITLES…if memory serves.

    The JOTS and TITLES will never change or merge as they are to remain totally the same until the Messiah comes. (or returns, depending on your synod…)

    There isn’t a lot known about either group but I understand they are ravenous for Matzahfisk ANY time of year. Lentilfish soup is another hot item on either synod’s menus.

    It has been reported that during various ritual events, like Things, or Saturday worship times, they dress in heavy, furry, clothes of coarse weave or fur. Men also wear little beanies,(I forget what they’re called…), under their steel helmets that have huge horns sticking out the sides…the helmets, not the beanies. (I think Lars has talked about those before. If not, I’m sure he’ll be happy to fill you in about helmets.)

    Men in the two different synods are easy to tell apart as one synod can only wear riveted chain-mail. Then the other synod can only use woven chain-mail. I’ve forgotten if it is the JOTS or TITLES who wear which… but, you get the idea.

    Beings it such a tight-lipped group and there are so few of them, it is probably true that you would hardly notice them if they walked down the sidewalk next to you. Considering all their furry clothes, chain-mail and the helmets, they blend right in with all the other Norwegians.

    There is ONE time of the year when you might think of there being something Jewish about them. At Christmas time, they put a 6 pointed star on top of their Christmas trees. The stars bear a very strong resemblance to Stars of David as we know them… but, to

    the Norwegian JOTS, the stars are called; (Now get this…)


    That other group, the TITLES, call their Christmas tree stars, Stars of Dave, but that is where any commonality stops with the Star of David.

    So, Ori, I hope I haven’t turned you off on us Norsemen…. and I truly hope you have a great sense of humor….. It has been fun……

    BTW…did I answer your question?

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