Kill Your Darlings, by Max Allan Collins

“I’m jealous,” she said, pretending not to be. “You could have had room service with me.” She said that flatly, without stressing the innuendo – but the “nuendo” was in there, all right.

“Kill your darlings” is writers’ jargon for one of the hardest lessons of the craft – that the particular passage you worked hardest on and are proudest of is very likely the one you need most to cut.

Max Allan Collins’ early novel Kill Your Darlings is another of his Mallory books, about an Iowa mystery writer who gets involved in real life mysteries. This is the second I’ve read of this series, and I liked it very much. Collins (it seems to me) writes meta-mysteries, mysteries that work on the surface level, but also comment on the genre and its conventions. This particular book is literally about a convention – Bouchercon, an actual writers’ and fans’ convention, fictionalized here. Collins takes the opportunity of writing about hard-boiled mystery authors to place his hero in a genuine hard-boiled adventure. As hero/narrator Mallory notes to his own amusement, every event in the story follows hard-boiled conventions plot point for plot point, until he himself decides to break the pattern, in a scene that might irritate some fans but pleased me greatly.

Anyway, in this story Mallory goes to Chicago for Bouchercon, and there reunites with his mentor and hero Roscoe Kane, a sort of Micky Spillane-esque writer who’s fallen on hard times. When Kane is drowned in a hotel bathtub, Mallory has suspicions, but he can’t convince the police to look closer. He suspects a sleazy publisher with mob connections whom he hates, and uncovers a literary fraud inspired by greed and arrogance, traits not uncommon in gatherings of writers.

Kill Your Darlings is a thoughtful, well-written, fun mystery with only mild objectionable language or subject matter. Mallory mentions at one point that his politics are not conservative, but that’s all there is about that. Highly recommended, especially if you enjoy the golden age of Hard-Boiled.

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Darlings, by Max Allan Collins”

  1. I am one big bundle of “limiting belfeis” and they affect everything I want to do. All my projects [my darlings] had been at risk due to my limiting belief: “no way could I possibly make time for them all.” Well, “poco a poco” as my husband’s aunt liked to say: just do a little bit on this one and a little bit on that one, and soon, several projects will be completed. It’s a hard concept for me to grasp since some part of me (the insecure part, I am sure) wants them all done yesterday. What a waste; the joy is in the journey, not the goal: I just love being in the creative moment (flow).Number 1, however, is going to be an enigma for me as I shift my focus to my creativity. I have a ridiculously long novel that I just love (all caps). However, it isn’t complete, and I can’t decide whether to do the painstaking revisions that it needs, or move on to a new project. I can see now that my Morning Pages are going to hear a lot on this topic. Gotta convince myself that I *can* do it all. I am going print out your 11 suggestions and put them on my vision board, because I am in exactly that place to which you speak—breaking old, inhibiting habits and creating new, invigorating ones. Thank you for the post..-= ellanbethia s last blog .. =-.

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