And now, a paid commercial announcement

I have been asked to mention a web site called Grammarly on this blog. It advertises itself as “an automated proofreader and your personal grammar coach. Correct up to 10 times more mistakes than popular word processors.”

I have not personally used Grammarly, but from looking at the site and doing some web searching, it seems to me this sort of thing might be useful to a fair number of people. I’d compare it to “coarse” sandpaper, in contrast to fine sandpaper. If you’re one of those people (and in my experience in recent reading, I think there are many) who just can’t figure out these grammar rules, Grammarly might be worth the price to you.

Full disclosure: I was offered a substantial remuneration for posting about Grammarly.

Does my doing this trouble you? Give me your feedback.

0 thoughts on “And now, a paid commercial announcement”

  1. “does my doing this trouble you?”

    As long as you continue the full disclosure and they don’t interrupt the usual updates I have no problem with it in moderation.

    Since I don’t pay to read this (and won’t, don’t take that as a suggestion) I expect to see a reasonable amount of advertising and sponsorships.

  2. ditto to what eric wrote, and I would add that if this service works (I have no idea) it might actually be of use to some people.

  3. I am OK with you doing this, as long as they pay up the renumeration promised. Otherwise, I’d think the whole thing is a scam.

  4. Fine by me. I agree with Ori’s assessment. If they pay you, stick with it. If they don’t, drop ’em!

  5. Today I took the boy by Burger King, and laughed to discover on the side of the fancy box their Kid’s Meal comes in the following phrase:

    “Hey, kids! This is advertising!”

    So it is, by God! I don’t know how many Kid’s Meals Burger King has sold, but it’s good to see them providing the educational service to the next generation.

    Would you prefer not to have to take ads to live? Sure, we all would, as Sally Struthers used to say. But you’re in good company: all the most successful people in the world do just the same thing. Like Burger King, it’s good that you’re being honest about it.

  6. No problem. You might want to fool around with it to see if there are any glaring flaws with it just to salve your conscience.

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