It's Friday. All you get is scraps

Will Duquette of View From the Foothills is another favorite blogger of mine whose posting has regrettably decreased. But he put up an entertaining poem about Smeagol this week, and I wanted to wave you in that direction.

Guy Stewart shares this butt-kick for discouraged Christian Science Fiction writers.

Have you heard the recording of Alec Baldwin chewing out his daughter on voice mail? What’s your take on that? I know that even the best parents can be pushed past the limit sometimes and say things they regret, with no harm done in the larger scheme of things. But I grew up in a situation where this kind of tirade was pretty much daily fare, and so it’s hard for me to judge where the limits are. Do you parents out there respond to the recording by saying, “Wow, I’m glad there wasn’t a recorder on the last time I cut loose on the kids,” or do you say, “That was definitely over the line”? I’m just curious. I honestly don’t have a gauge for this, and I’m not a parent myself.

0 thoughts on “It's Friday. All you get is scraps”

  1. That was WAAAAAY over the line.

    Would it hurt to have left a message that said ‘Honey, it seems like you don’t want to talk to me. That hurts. You are more important to me than you could ever imagine and I miss you. I’m planning to fly out there to give you a hug in person, and then we can talk.’

    Anyone can ‘lose it’. Sadly, that seems like Mr. Balwin’s idea of ‘relating’.

    I’m glad my children – all adults now – had a father that cared more about their souls than whether or not they were putting him out.

    Alec Baldwin might be a good actor, but he is one sad little man.

  2. Yes, over the line. Sad.

    I also grew up with a verbally abusive, overly critical parent (whether drinking or not) and was called all sorts of names: “dummy,” “stupid,” and the fav…”fatty cornbread.” So all my life I have thought if only I could be smart, well educated, articulate, etc. everything would be okay. Well, I’m not… and never will be, but finally because of Jesus Christ in my life and folks that love me, that’s okay, I am healing and I have broken my family curse, something my abusive parent didn’t get to do.

    Sorry if this is, as my kids will say,…TMI Mom.

  3. I just heard some of Baldwin’s comments. Very ugly, and yes, over the line. I agree with Judy that he should have the wisdom to leave a message saying they needed to talk. He could have been pretty angry saying that, but he shouldn’t have insulted her ever and he should have chewed her out in person, not on voice mail.

  4. Being a book pusher, if I could, I would like to send Alec (or even Kim B.) two books that have been very helpful to me and a lot of other folks. Both are by Paul Hegstrom. “Broken Children, Grown-Up Pain” and the other is “Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them.”

    There is a “made for TV” movie starring Jack Ritter based on Hegstrom’s very abusive former life as a husband, father and church pastor, Dr. Jeckel, Mr. Hyde. Since his emotional – spiritual healing, he has remarried his first wife and established Life Skills groups (helping both men and women who get stuck at a younger emotional age than their actual physical age.)

    EVERY pastor should have several copies in their library.

    – back to the subject…I heard there are several actresses that refuse to work with Alec because his reputation (temper) preceed him.

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