Schoolboy memories

Better today, thanks for asking. Went to bed early last night and slept hard until the alarm woke me. It was almost worth the deprivation of the previous night to enjoy such luxurious, concentrated sleep.

Here’s an interesting (interesting to me) post from a blog called Shape of Days. The author employs some language I wouldn’t use myself (be warned), but it was interesting to see another blogger writing about his emotional disorder. Indeed, his problem, Borderline Personality Disorder, is a cousin to my Avoidant Personality Disorder. I believe AvPD used to be diagnosed as Borderline, until they refined the criteria, or something.

His problem seems to be more severe than mine, which is some comfort, I guess. He blames it on a “brain defect or malfunction,” and I’m pretty sure mine, on the other hand, stemmed from simply growing up in a crazy environment, where I had to learn crazy behavior to survive. My first mistake was in choosing my parents. The second mistake was that I seem to have run into some remarkably toxic adult authority figures on my way up (or whatever way I was going).

Chief among these was Mr…. I’ll call him Mr. Woundwort. He was football coach and physical education (we called it Phy Ed in that time and place) teacher for our Junior/Senior high school, which meant he was licensed to poison my life for six full years.

The man was a sadist. That wasn’t just something his football players said as a joke after drills. Everyone knew he was a sadist. He was mean at the core. There was a story, a bit of schoolboy folklore, that said he’d accidentally killed his own brother when he was a kid. I don’t know if it’s true, but it would help explain a lot if it were.

Of all his hates, and he had many, his hatred of fat kids was chief. He singled out the fat kids, humiliated them. I was a fat kid. I was on his list from the first day.

One day he had us doing calisthenics, and he noticed that I couldn’t do a push-up. Yes, I wrote that right. I was a farm kid, but I didn’t have the upper body strength to do a single push-up. This was one of many clues which had already proved to me that I was unworthy and defective.

Mr. Woundwort decided this called for special coaching. His own kind of special coaching.

He set the rest of the guys to some game or other. He took a folding chair and a yardstick, and he took me to a corner of the gymnasium. He told me to get into push-up position in the corner, and he sat on the chair and told me to “Do one.” I tried and failed.

He hit me on the butt with the yardstick.

He told me he would keep telling me to do a push-up as long as it took, and every time I failed he’d hit me again.

We went on like that for the rest of the hour. By the time it was done my meager muscles were quivering, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. He had to let me go (he told me he’d test me later, and if I couldn’t do one by then, I’d have to take Phy Ed with the girls), and after showering I went immediately to the school Guidance Counselor, and told him what had happened.

I’m one of those who believe that educational standards have fallen appallingly since those days. I believe students today are coddled and over-rewarded and underdisciplined.

But there are limits, and Mr. Woundwort had gone over the line. Even in those days, I think, what he’d done with me was too much. I don’t know what happened, but Mr. Woundwort eased up on me after that, at least to the point of not punishing me sadistically anymore. So I think the G.C. probably had a heart-to-heart talk with him and made some threats.

I suspect Mr. Woundwort thought I was homosexual. Which is kind of ironic, since one of his prized football players (another sadist, as it happened, one who beat me up many times) later “came out of the closet,” and eventually died of AIDS.

I never told my parents about it, not even when I was grown up.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d take Mr. Woundwort’s side.

0 thoughts on “Schoolboy memories”

  1. OH! bad word….THAT MAKES ME ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS! HOW DARE HE! …bad word….bad word… Why in, bad word, didn't they fire that creep? I am fuming!

    EVERY KID needs and DESERVES encouragement and validation in an emotionally safe environment, NOT physical, emotional and mental torture and abuse!

    What a jerk! What a creep!

    ….have lots more to say when I calm down.

  2. I hate bullies, the way that guy in City Slickers, Phil, (Daniel Stern) hated bullies. I hate the way they attack the weak and small. I want to fight back, I want to hurt them the way they hurt other people. I want to make them stop. I want to get in their faces for a change, to make them feel small and weak and helpless. I want to make them feel ashamed of themselves, ashamed enough to change.

    One of the moments from my school days that I'm a bit proud of (I'm one of those Scandinavian types who was brought up to try not to feel to proud about things) was the time a bully was engaging in some particularly pointless little cruelty to me, and I said to his face, "That must make you feel like a really big man." It didn't make him stop; all it did was make him mad. But I think it did something for me.

    If there were ever any need for proof that this world is stained to the core with sin, that proof is the existence of bullies.

  3. "that proof is the existence of bullies."

    Yes, I'm still surprised that liberals don't often see that.  They seem to think talking to bullies and dictators will make everything nice again, never seeing meanness and power-lust for what it is.

  4. Is the "we know what's best for everyone" attitudes that I see so often in liberals (for example, some of Mayor Bloomberg's nanny-state initiatives, like banning trans fats) just another expression of the power-lust of bullies? Seems that way to me. (Reminds me of Delores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and the way she masked her bullying behind a sugary smile and an alleged motivation to do "what's best for everyone.")

    I'm sure that bullying is manifested somehow in conservatives (nobody is immune to the stain); I'm just not sure how, off-hand. I'm too close to it, perhaps.

  5. When conservatives are bullies, they stop being conservatives.  The core of that philosophy is self control and personal responsibility.  Conservatives should be working to give individuals the most liberty under law they can have in a healthy society.  Liberals, on the other hand, are elitists like you said.  They want government to take everyone's perceived problems away, at least all of the problems of the victim classes.  The oppressive classes can stuff it.

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