Category Archives: Coffee, Tea, Drinks

Veggie Cola

“We wanted a flavor that makes people think of keeping cool in the summer heat,” said the spokeswoman for Pepsi in Japan. “We thought the cucumber was just perfect.” Pepsi Ice Cumcumber is in Japan this week. Now Pepsi has “the refreshing taste of a fresh cucumber.”

What would Larry say?

Essential Reenforcement on Our Letters

Still looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift? Well, these won’t come in time, but they may be right for you: English Eccentrics Mugs! Everyone needs the occasional reminder that D is actually Dalek. If you act now, you may still be able to pick up the Invisible Man Mugs from Penguin Classics–never popular, always in style.

Battle of Earls

“Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea” compared two brands of Earl Grey one afternoon, and results were similar to comparing Coke and Pepsi. I love Earl Grey. This post makes me think I haven’t quite tasted the real thing yet.

I’m drinking a mug of Tazo’s Wild Sweet Orange at the moment. Thank you for asking.

Good Coffee, Strong Coffee

I’d like to have some, but here I am blogging as a service to you (or me or some idol I fancy–how many of us really blog to God’s glory?) And here you are reading. Feel blessed. No, no, I insist.

Provocative Church has begun to serve Rwandan coffee between services. The company is The Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee which “invests up to $3 [of every 12 oz bag sold] in the Rwandan Economy, $1 of which goes directly to fund micro-finance, small business projects for the women of Inyakurama (widows in Rwanda who are working to restore their lives),” according to the company website.

In other news, a physicist briefly explains why coffee drops leave rings when they dry. He says, “I’m having to learn some fluid dynamics for the first time, and it’s pretty amazing how complicated it all is.”

Also from our beverage desk, a couple companies, one in California, one in Alberta, are selling bottled “holy” water. Catholic and Anglican priests are offering blessings on California bottled water in an effort to promote “law enforcement” by redeeming drinkers. And get this warning label: “If you are a sinner or evil in nature, this product may cause burning, intense heat, sweating, skin irritations, rashes, itchiness, vomiting, bloodshot and watery eyes, pale skin color and oral irritations.”

I suppose things more blasphemous than this have been done before.

Coffee Taste Testing

(I’m blogging too much tonight, but nevermind that. Please read this.) What do you think of Consumer Reports? Great source for unbiased product testing? Uneven results in some things? I like the CR goals, but I don’t view them as a bible on products like I used to–a strong recommendation for everyone, but their choice may not be the best for me.

Now CR has turned it’s trained reporters on the common man’s cup of joe, and the result? The Boston Herald reports:

McDonald’s latest caffeinated endeavor, Newman’s Own Organics Blend coffee, is better than both Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks, says Consumer Reports magazine.

“We compared the rivals with Starbucks, all in basic black – no flavors, milk or sugar – and you know what? McDonald’s beat the rest,” the magazine said in its March issue.

The CR tasters visited only two stores in each company for the report, which may be too small a sample for a subjective survey like this. reports the tasters comments:

McDonald’s coffee was “decent and moderately strong,” while Starbucks was “strong, but burnt and bitter enough to make your eyes water.” . . . Dunkin’ Donuts brew was “weak, watery, and pricier than Starbucks. It was inoffensive, but it had no oomph.” Burger King, meanwhile, served a beverage that “looked like coffee but tasted more like hot water.”

I’ve had some pretty bitter coffee at Starbucks, which I assumed came from an overbrewed pot, not the company beans. Generally, Starbucks is good, but I don’t care to buy my coffee there. They irritate me.

Have you tried McDonald’s coffee in the past year? Was it better than you expected? If I ever buy coffee there, I expect to get the dark hot water variety. Maybe I should try it. I have drunk Chick-fil-a’s dark roast several times over the last several months. If MacDonald’s was just as good, I’d be impressed. (by way of The Boars Head Tavern)