Category Archives: Non-fiction

Napolitano on Government Power Grabs

You can get Judge Napolitano’s book, A Nation of Sheep, which is his argument against American loss of freedom at for $9.00 for a limited time. It’s also on Amazon here. His latest book, Dred Scott’s Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom in America, looks excellent too. Make sure your library has a copy or three of both books.

Behaviorism in the Household

Jared is meekly discussing the grace behind the book, Have a New Husband by Friday: How to Change His Attitude, Behavior, and Communication in 5 Days.

It turns a woman’s spouse into a project, a problem, not a person made in the image of God to be loved and given the gospel in word and deed to. It is legalistic, basically. . . . it’s gross. It plays on the stereotype of men as children who need wives to make them better, more suitable and acceptable.

Great Online Resources and Reviews

Reformed Books: “Our goal is to honor Christ by equipping Christians in the truth by pointing you to the finest classic and contemporary resources of historical Reformed orthodoxy.”

Puritan Library: More Bible teaching than most of us could read in a lifetime.

Are Evangelical Churches Ignoring Christ?

David Nilsen reviews Michael Horton’s book, Christless Christianity:

One famous Evangelical pastor has recently made popular the phrase, “deeds, not creeds.” Evangelicals have their doctrine right, this pastor tells us, they just aren’t living it. Against such sentiments, Dr. Horton argues that many Evangelicals actually do not have their doctrine right, or at least they aren’t preaching it correctly. Evangelicals have confused the important categories of Law and Gospel, turning the Gospel message (which is supposed to be the good news of something that Christ has already done for us), into the Gospel program. If you’ll only live out the Gospel (by reading your Bible every day, joining a certain group at church, and learning how to be a Christ-like example to others), you’ll be healthy, wealthy and wise. The question to be answered is, “What would Jesus do?” rather than, “What has Jesus done?”

Gov. Palin to Write Memoir

There’s a book in the works from Gov. Sarah Palin to describe her life in Alaska and her experiences in presidential politics. She will be writing the book herself, working with a more experienced co-author. As far as I know, the co-author will not be Franklin Graham, pictured with Mrs. Palin below.

Sarah Palin

The Authentic Francis Schaeffer

Hunter Baker reviews a biography on Francis Schaeffer. He writes about Schaeffer:

The man who cared enough to tutor a little boy with Down Syndrome is also the man who told his church in St. Louis that he would resign if a black person ever came to his church and felt unwelcome. The budding intellectual who answered the existential questions of college students in Europe is also the agitator who took up the cause of the unborn and became arguably the finest shaper of and advocate for a potent evangelical critique of modern culture.