Possible Broadway Strike Coming

The League of American Theaters and Producers is talking to the stagehands’ union, but they apparently are not seeing things eye-to-eye. I can only assume they are both arguing in good faith.

In related news, Broadway gross sales were up $1.7 million overall last weekend.

Onward, Men, To the Future!

Here’s a fun poem by Mark Jarman, printed in The New Criterion.

When we arrive, the future will adore us

As being so much better than it expected.

We went to school with thugs and contagion.

We went to school with tidal waves and felons.

And we turned out OK. We’re at the future!

. . . Read on

Instant Canyon, Just Add Water

Did you see this story on a new canyon in Texas? “A torrent of water from an overflowing lake sliced open the earth in 2002, exposing rock formations, fossils and even dinosaur footprints in just three days,” reports Michelle Roberts. The article goes on to compare this, the Canyon Lake Gorge which is 80 feet deep, to the Grand Canyon, which it says took much longer to form. I bring it up here because it is the very thing creationists point to as evidence of canyons and caves forming during the massive rush of water that flooded the earth several thousand years ago.

Being a failed intellectual, I think that’s all I can write in this post.

Is the Media Trustworthy?

“Less than half of Americans, regardless of partisanship, have a great deal or a fair amount of trust in the mass media,” according to a Gallup poll.

You know, I suspect it is actually responsible for media outlets to simply repeat what officials have said. The other day I heard a brief report in which the Republicans said a bill extended its target audience and the Democrats said the bill did not. Is that not a matter for media investigation, something they can verify independent of the officials quoted? The bill either covers the same number or types of people as it did before or it covers more or less. And if it can’t be determined because of the murkiness of the bill’s language, then the lawmakers should be ridiculed. This is just one point of distrust I have for most media outlets.

Dark Humor

Charles Colson writes, “Darwinist accounts of human morality bear such little resemblance to the way real people live their lives that the late philosopher Michael Stove, an atheist himself, called them a ‘slander against human beings.’ . . . Nietzsche would laugh—and wonder why they don’t make atheists like they used to.”

It’s Hard to Be a Dad

Some people don’t know anything about manhood. Thanks to Tony Woodlief for setting them straight.

A real man, on the other hand, protects and provides for his family, and partners with his wife to train up his children in the way they should go. He isn’t necessarily gabby, but his children know in their souls that he loves them. He is patient and kind. He lays down his life for his family every day.

I’ll agree with that. Fatherhood is hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Athol Dickson on Christian Fiction

“I believe Christian fiction in general is now at least as good as all the other genres. I think this is slowly becoming an accepted fact, even among publishers and critics outside the Christian world. In fact, it seems to me most of the opinions one still reads to the contrary are from Christian writers who have not managed to get published, and one suspects their motives, to say the least. I say this as an extremely demanding reader. I do not finish about half of the novels I start, because I cannot bear poor craftsmanship or boring stories, regardless of the message. I will not support a Christian artist simply because he is a Christian. That would demean Christianity itself. But these days I find myself abandoning non-Christian novels with about the same frequency as Christian ones, so yes indeed, we have come a long, long way.” Thus spake Athol Dickson earlier this year.