0 thoughts on “Your Reading in 2007”

  1. I’m thinking of re-reading Melmoth the Wanderer, or finally getting around to Journey to the West.

  2. Well.. in addition to reading the books I blogged about – such as the huge “History of Beads”, a biography of Wodehouse, and the 1800 page volume of Lewis’s letters volume 3, I also have to read Blood and Judgement by Lars Walker. I read very quickly though – so this is only a small fraction of what I will consume this year.

    And Michael, you’re in for a treat! Year of the Warrior most verily rocketh.

  3. …part of the overflow on my bedside table:

    Everyday Geography – for reference while watching nightly news.

    I Feel Bad About My Neck – Nora Ephron – (present from big sister) Admire any wife who can throw a cream pie into the face of a cheating husband, Carl Bernstein, and write about it, “Heartburn.”

    31 Days of Praise – Ruth Myers – The best daily devotional book ever.

    Year of the Warrior & Blood & Judgment – Lars Walker – already read Wolf Time, (excellent) looking forward to the next two.

    Madman – Tracy Groot – Must finish by Jan. 19th for Moody’s Midday Connection (radio) book review discussion with Dr. Rosalie de Rosset and the author, Ms. Groot.

  4. I heard _Madman_ was a good book, and I’ve had an advanced copy for months going unread on my shelf because I’m a sorry reader and lit-blogger . . .

    Omie, did your son tell you he met me at church a few weeks ago? He name is Dan, is that right? His wife is Anna, whom I know from years ago. Meeting him was great fun.

  5. I’m sure I’ll be reading in the just-published C. S. Lewis Collected Letters Vol. 3. I just received a copy. It’s a huge book, a little over 1800 pages. Feast out, brothers and sisters!

  6. I have great hopes of reading ‘The history of beauty’ by Umberto Eco. (So far I’ve only looked at the paintings and pictures.) Some of the very small print will probably lead to my defeat; but it’s a gorgeous book.

  7. Phil, after Friday afternoon, you can click onto the MBI Midday Connection book club and hear that program…”Madman” and even download to an MP3. …wishing I even had one and knew how to do that. >sigh< (5)”Omie, did your son tell you he met me at church a few weeks ago? His name is Dan, is that right? His wife is Anna, whom I know from years ago. Meeting him was great fun.”
    Was hoping he would get to meet you. Of course, Dan didn’t tell me a thing. I chide my kids, telling them that the other kid will accidentally tell me about the other and visa-versa. That way I can kinda keep up with their lives, ‘says the non-interfering mother/mother-in-law.’ 😡 He is out on the road now, but will ask him about meeting y’all this weekend. Did he get to meet your wife and kids also?

    BTW – EXTREMELY HAPPY about the family Dan married into. Somehow I got adopted too. Expecting two grandchildren. Jen in March and “hot-natured” Anna in July. Am Blessed.

  8. Phil, Finally asked Dan about meeting you. quote “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell ya about that.” unquote. (This is typical.) 🙂 He said that you and your family had sat several rows in front of he and wife a few weeks before. Also, as it turns out, they know your sister who sings in the choir at their church. Small world.

    Your church is beautiful. MW and the whole “W” family held a post Christmas concert at your church in order to record PW’s singing/performance. Very informal. She has a lovely voice. Sweet gal. Other family members performed and/or participated and even the two year old grandson slid along the steps while the five year old danced in her pink tutu and red boa. Just a hoot. Ended with spontaneous prayers and singing Silent Night in Spanish. That’s what church (coporate worship) should be every time.

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