Writing because I got work

I got good news today. I received a favorable reply to an offer I’d made (by invitation) to Saga Bok Publishers in Norway to do the English translation of Prof. Torgrim Titlestad’s recent book, Norge i Vikingtid. That would be Norway in the Viking Age in English.

I lowballed my offer, because I’m unproven in professional translating and I’m keen on this project, and on establishing a working relationship with Saga Bok.

Years ago, as I began to work on a novel about Erling Skjalgsson, I came to certain conclusions about what his principles were, on the basis of the saga accounts.

It was with some delight that I discovered later that there was a Norwegian historian who shared, to a large degree, my views on that particular subject. That historian was Prof. Titlestad.

The project looks to be fairly easy, except for the length of the book, which is considerable. But most of my translation to date has been of 19th Century Norwegian writings, with flowery language and often convoluted sentence structure. Prof. Titlestad, on the other hand, writes in a simple, clear style.

I don’t expect that this will interfere with my fiction writing to any great degree.

In any case, I need the money.

7 thoughts on “Writing because I got work”

  1. Congrats.

    BTW – I just finished reading the last book in Douglas Adam’s Dirk Gently series, “The Long Dark Tea Time of The Soul.” Since it was loosely based on the Viking Sagas I was going to ask your opinion of it. I can see now that you will have more important tasks on your plate for the foreseeable future.

  2. Sorry, I haven’t read any Adams at all. Need to deal with that in time. And don’t think I’ll give up recreational reading. The reviews will continue. I’ve been writing in the evenings all along. This won’t change much.

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