Points on Interstellar

Jeffrey Overstreet reviews Interstellar, whose trailer really draws me but I gather the movie may not get me singing. I haven’t seen it read, nor have I read all of Jeff’s review. Still, I’m sure it’s good, so I wanted to link to it.

Our friend Hunter Baker says I enjoyed the film, but could not swallow a major plot rationale. Have you seen it? What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Points on Interstellar”

  1. Saw it last night, and it’s really excellent. Not life-changing, but genuinely excellent storytelling. The special effects are so good that you never think about them, and the film is visually stunning. It fulfills my single most important criterion for a movie: I cared about what was happening. The characters are believable people with admirable qualities -even the comic relief robot is not annoying, which is almost unheard-of. Finally, I thought that the conclusion was plausible and internally consistent, which it seems that many other folks don’t. It was worth the $8.95 to see in the nice theater with the good sound system.

  2. Too long, honestly. There’s also a specific old sci-fi trope that pops up to justify events earlier in the film that makes no sense if you think on it long enough. Mr. Nolan thinks he has to explain everything, but sometimes leaving the door open makes more plot sense than cramming in everything you can to wrap it in a neat bow.

    But it’s a good film overall. Just not his best.

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