Category Archives: Goofing

#ClickbaitBooks on Twitter

Trending on Twitter today are SEO headline takes on classic or popular books. #ClickbaitBooks gives us “9 Shocking Ways to Kill a Mockingbird

Andrew Klavan has contributed several, including this:

The Kellys by Mick Moloney

Here’s a fun song about how there are too many Irishmen in the world. I first heard this on a cassette many years ago. For our younger readers, a cassette was like a hard drive made from black tape, which was held in a tape deck that would play non-digital audio that sounded way better than anything we have today. It was as if you were in the room with the musicians.

Great Fun Being a Journalist

Mollie Z. Hemingway offers great advice on how to excel in journalism in today’s world.

“Don’t Sweat the Details. Is there a difference between an Evangelical and an evangelist? Who cares?”

“Don’t question authority. … if a politician suggests that the reports of scandal surrounding his administration are overblown, leave him alone already. Would he lie?”

A journalist’s job is to advance his ideological narrative. “CNBC’s John Harwood said recently, ‘Those of us in political-media world should just shut up about “narratives” and focus on what’s true.’ Spoken like a real nobody.”

She’s got a good piece. I recommend it too all non-fiction writers. Of course, all of it could be summarized by quoting Henry Kissinger, who said, “Allow me to be the first to say that what we have done here is not a good thing. It’s definitely not a good thing. But it was, given the circumstances, the smart play.”

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Happy President's DayEveryone loves a good presidential birthday, don’t they? Your social media feeds are loaded with them. Birthday music has been playing non-stop for the whole week. We can get top appliances for 30% off this weekend #stopthemadness!

But let’s not limit our focus to Lincoln, once a licensed bartender, whose birthday is today, or to Washington, who had to borrow money to make it to his inauguration and whose birthday is February 22. Let’s celebrate presidential birthdays all year long. Come on, ring those bells, citizens. Most of the truthful information in this post comes from

February holds two more presidential birthdays. William Henry Harrison was born on February 9, 1773. His inaugural address was 100 minutes long, which roughly 0.25% of his entire term in office. He died of pneumonia on his 32nd day as president.

Ronald Reagan was born February 6, 1911. He took up eating jelly beans as a way to stop pipe smoking, and he developed partial hearing loss in one ear one a movie set when a gun was fired next to his ear. Continue reading Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Retitled Christian Books as Mini Reviews

You know the concept. What if publishers told us the raw truth in their book titles? Here’s a list of what could be written.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye: How To Not Talk To Girls Until You’re 25 Years Old

Heaven Is For Real: A Book About Heaven From The Perspective Of A Four Year Old Who Had A Near Death Experience And For Some Reason We Believe Him More Than The Bible

A Year Of Biblical Womanhood: One Woman’s Valiant Attempt To Create Straw-Man Arguments and Massively Misinterpret A Lot Of The Bible, All the While Saying, “You Go Girl!”

Radical: All You Rich, Fat, Lazy Christians Need To Stop Eating At McDonald’s And Become Missionaries To Africa

There’s more. (via Barnabas Piper, whose book is in the list)

“Valkin’ in my vinter undervear”

Back for a reprise: A ghost from my Christmas past. This guy is the late Roger Awsumb. In the ’60s he used to play Casey Jones on the “Lunch With Casey” program on a Twin Cities TV station. This is probably the most popular thing he ever did.

Your Reformation Day Treat: A treasury of insults

“Your words are so foolishly and ignorantly composed that I cannot believe you understand them.”

The Luther Insult Generator may be found here. Hours of innocent fun for you and your family.

Laughter Worth Sharing: Jimmy Fallon

Here’s a strong example of Jimmy Fallon’s great interviewing technique. He’s talking with Bradley Cooper about The Elephant Man, a play Cooper says inspired him to become an actor. Watch and learn, friends.