Quick update from Høstfest

I am sitting in the Viking venue as I write, having just discovered that the whole place is Wi-Fi enabled. Woo-hoo! This Viking means business, as Gary Larson said in “The Far Side.”

It’s been exhausting and a lot of fun. Thanks, thanks, thanks, to Roy Jacobsen of Dispatches from Outland who got me some help with my car in Fargo, when I needed it most.

I’ve sold a few books, and even a couple leather bookmarks I tooled. Ragnar and I are fighting three combat shows a day, and I think I’m actually almost 50/50 with him in wins and draws. We did a particularly interesting bout yesterday where I was able to disarm him when his sword caught in my shield and I was able to wrench it away by rotating the shield. This is a classic maneuver, which happens rarely (and even more rarely with me, whose reflexes are pretty slow). To our mutual delight, the fight was caught on video, and came out very well. Eventually we hope to have it posted online, and you’ll be able to marvel at my prowess.

My main concern is a rumor that Sissel is having passport trouble and may not get here for her concerts. In that case, needless to say, I will fall on my sword and this will be my last post.

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