Mark Bretrand on Moody’s Prime Time America

I hope you trust I don’t lie to you for whatever perceived gain I could get. I have no idea how I could gain from false claims on a blog, but you and I are honest with each other, right? Good. So I’m not lying when I say that yesterday I thought about writing Prime Time America to ask about doing book reviews, mostly of Christian fiction, and maybe they could also interview Mark Bertrand about his new book, Rethinking Worldview. I didn’t, and yet Mark will be on the radio today during the first hour of Prime Time America. I’ll be listening.

2 thoughts on “Mark Bretrand on Moody’s Prime Time America”

  1. Phil, thanks for thinking about me. My publishers would like to know if you’ve ever thought about writing to Oprah about my book, too, and possibly Stephen Colbert. 🙂

  2. I’m thinking about it as we speak. I will say that I’ve thought about writing a post on Colbert’s new book, so those two thoughts should count double for him. I guess that would be natural, wouldn’t it.

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