Does a Decline in Reading Really Matter?

Scott comments on an article in the New Yorker which appears to argue for reading as one might argue for taking vitamins. Can’t you see it’s better for us all? You really ought to read your books. Scott says, “I’m not really all that bothered by the idea that reading will one day perhaps be confined to a ‘reading class,’ primarily because, as far as literature is concerned, it more or less already is. Thus, those of us who read works of literature on a regular basis, who don’t even necessarily read ‘for pleasure’ but out of a deeply felt need that makes it seem impossible to us that reading might someday disappear, are no doubt even now practicing what seems to non-readers an ‘arcane hobby.'”

In the end, let those who want to read, read what they want, and stop whining about it.

3 thoughts on “Does a Decline in Reading Really Matter?”

  1. Phil, the kind of moral slackitude you exhibit here is a sign of the decline of our civilization. All right-thinking people know that everyone should be required to read books. Particularly mine.

  2. Well, I guess I agree. We should write laws to force people to do what we want them to do for their own good, dag nabit. Why aren’t they more like us, the bunch of hethern.

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