Happy New Year

I spent today in bed, in a dim room. This would make sense if I’d been celebrating last night, lapping up champagne and jitterbugging past the Magic Hour and on to morning, like a character from Wodehouse. But I did none of those things. I stayed up till midnight, reading a book, and then went to bed. I just don’t feel very well today, and chose to rest up so I’ll be ready to go back to work tomorrow. That’s my life—all the discomfort of a hangover without having any fun.

I’ll make a few bold predictions for 2008:

Liberal political candidates who support gay marriage, abortion on demand, surrender in Iraq, gun confiscation and higher taxes will promise to “bring us all together.”

Liberals will continue to insist that they’ve been muzzled, since “the media are dominated by the conservatives.” When challenged on this contention they will cite the mere existence of Rush Limbaugh.

Hollywood will make more movies attacking America, or Christianity, or both. When asked why, they’ll say that this is what the public wants.

Whatever the weather in 2008 is like, it will be used as evidence of… well, you know.

The rich will get richer. The poor will get a little richer, but not enough to stop them envying the rich.

The Left will continue to insist that Christian fundamentalists are not different in any way from Muslim terrorists.

There will be a new Third Party. If it’s not called “The Conspiracy Theory Party,” it should be.

0 thoughts on “Happy New Year”

  1. Bold, indeed. You’re out on a limb there, Lars. I’m not sure I can back you up on these. 🙂

    I’ve been sick too, since the weekend. I’ve had a fever and now a sore throat. I plan to go to work tomorrow, and hopefully the sore throat/cough will pass soon. My little family has been sick since Christmas, poor things–ear infection in one and lite pneumonia in another. I thank the Lord my wife did not fall sick too.

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