What About Believing in King Arthur?

LONDON–Of 3,000 viewers of UKTV Gold television surveyed, a quarter believe Winston Churchill was mythological and almost half thought the same of King Richard the Lionheart. More than that believed Sherlock Holmes was a real man.

At least, that’s what they told the pollsters. I confess, if someone called me to ask whether I thought various people were fiction or non, I might start making up all kinds of answers. But if they had a camera in my face, I’d probably answer as truthfully as I could.

0 thoughts on “What About Believing in King Arthur?”

  1. Perhaps the Brits don’t know much about Richard Lionheart because the state-sponsored schools aren’t allowed to teach about the Crusades. This political correctness is destroying Western culture.

    The fact that 25% of Brits don’t believe Churchill was real is disgusting.

  2. Josh, I’m not willing to go so far to say 25% of all Britons. The survey was by a TV channel of only 3,000 people, and how many of them lied for the fun of it?

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