Confessions of a Red Cross reject

I hear there was an earthquake in Illinois last night. We did not feel it here. Or if we did, I slept through it. Just in case you were wondering.

I went to give blood tonight, and was rejected. My hemoglobin level, apparently, is a little low. This has never happened before, and I’m nonplussed (I ask you, how many blogs use words like “nonplussed” these days? We give full value at Brandywine Books). My chief suspicion is that it’s a result of dieting fairly severely this week. I’d slacked off for today, just to prepare my corpuscles, but apparently it didn’t do the job.

Or maybe it’s the first sign of a lingering, fatal disease. Whatever.

I’m going up north this weekend for the confirmation of my nephew and godson, The Youngest Nephew (note to burglars who may be reading—my renter will still be here and he’s a survivalist and former Navy Seal, clinging in Midwest bitterness to his collection of classic Uzis). I suppose I ought to sit TYN down at some point and give him a lot of good advice. I’m sure he’d appreciate that a lot.

But somehow I suspect I’ll keep my mouth shut all weekend.

0 thoughts on “Confessions of a Red Cross reject”

  1. you just don’t get enough serious Barbeque up there, Lars. You need beef done right. C’mon down to Austin. I promise to keep the snakes away!

  2. I enjoy the blog. I am a physician. A week of dieting would not give you anemia. You need to get the anemia investigated by a physician. The differential diagnosis includes some serious diseases (e.g. colon cancer)

  3. Thank you. I’m a little confused, because what you say contradicts what the Red Cross people told me. I’m pretty sure I don’t have colon cancer, because I’m in a screening program and had a couple polyps removed just last year.

    They didn’t actually say I had anemia. Just that my hemoglobin level was below their criteria.

  4. Ha, I’m getting around your “no comments” on “Heart of Mushiness,” just to say I think you nail down good points there. 🙂

  5. Mr. Walker,

    I am also a physician and agree with Play the Man. Low hemoglobin does constitute anemia. I don’t know your age, but adult males should not be anemic in the absence of any really strange diet. There are other causes than colon cancer, though that is the first one to rule out, including some that are easily corrected. I would at least have my physician run a complete blood count if that hasn’t been done recently.

    BTW, this southern baptist very much enjoys your blog!

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