Sherry is talking about book lists again. This time she points out an article on cult books, quoting a description of the difficulty in defining a cult book. I say it’s any book which quotes from, alludes to, or can be even slightly argued to have been influenced by The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Seriously, can anyone argue with that definition?
Sherry also links to a so-called essential man’s library. Probably worth checking out should you find a spare minute. Just kidding, dudes–I mean, men. That’s a good list. I love those photos.
But speaking of cults, Sherry comments freely on When Men Become Gods by Stephen Singular, a book on Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints and the raid on Yearning for Zion Ranch.
I feel very smug in being able to report that I’d read only 3 of the cult books. And 2 were assigned in classes.
Ah, but which one did you read all on your own? That might tell us something about you we didn’t know. If I confessed to Jonathan Livingston Seagull and The Prophet, you can confess, too.
Thanks for the links, Phil.
It was Catch-22. Make of it what you like.
I was at Pamida yesterday and they had a hardcover 25th Anniversary illustrated edition of the Hitchhiker’s guide on a book clearance rack. Even though I already have three or four other editions and can pretty much quote it from memory, I had to get it. Where else can you find a name like Slartibartfast or androids with “Real People Personalities.” It would be fun to see what the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation could do with Lars. ๐