1989 in the People’s Square

Speaking of freedom, on June 3, 1989, many Chinese people were protesting in 100-acre Tiananmen Square when their government, who apparently cannot tolerate dissent, rebuked them. Hundreds were killed, some not in the square but in their homes. Even ambulance drivers were shot, according to this firsthand report from the BBC. It’s a sickening irony that the massacre happened in a place apparently named “gate of heavenly peace.”

This is Chairman Mao’s legacy, forced submission and debasing equality. But I think the Chinese people may rise above it, especially as the gospel spreads. They were made to be more than numbers in The People’s Machine.

0 thoughts on “1989 in the People’s Square”

  1. Typical Ugly Americanism. When you speak so self-righteously about the Chinese government shooting its citizens, you hypocritically fail to note that the citizens they shot then got FREE HEALTH CARE! Answer that!

  2. Sure, and the North Koreans are getting loads of *free* food. Yummy. Liberals and Communists really aren’t the same thing, b/c liberals are still sympathizing with everyone’s suffering, promising to correct all pain with gov’n care, while communists are starving political enemies and telling the suffering all manner of lies.

  3. The Liberals I meet in the US are usually good, charitable people. They wouldn’t dream of abusing their power. They have a problem realizing just how evil some people are, especially those attracted to power.

    They haven’t internalized the magnitude of human evil. But that makes them people who make a bad prudential judgment. They aren’t evil, just wrong.

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