Asymmetrical politics

John Hinderaker at Power Line reports on the efforts of Leftist protesters at the Republican National Convention to actually injure (possibly kill) people on their way to participate in the assembly.

Isn’t it fascinating that conservatives, who are supposed to be narrow-minded ideologues who see the world in stark black-and-white terms, did not try to do this sort of thing to the Democrats in Denver?

And that Leftists, who are supposed to be open-minded and tolerant, actually are attempting to prevent the party they oppose from holding a legal assembly necessary to carrying on the constitutional election process?

I know these protesters don’t represent the majority of Democrats. But why isn’t there a noticeable Republican equivalent? And why don’t we hear the Democratic leadership denouncing these acts?

(By the way, on a totally irrelevant note, “Hinderaker” is a Norwegian name. Some of my ancestors lived on a farm named Hinderaker, so it’s conceivable John and I are distant relations.)

0 thoughts on “Asymmetrical politics”

  1. It’s interesting how the media gatekeepers found it important to report on the freaked out internet rumors about Sarah Palin as soon as they started hitting the message boards, but this sort of violence seems not to make it to their radar screens.

    And they wonder why we’re skeptical.

  2. I disagree.

    The protesters call themselves anarchists and are not democrats. They are no more democrats than the klan are republicans. Why anarchists do not target the democrats I do not know but because they do not does not make them democrats.

  3. I have a sneaking suspicion that, if anti-abortion activists had made violent attacks on the DNC, somebody would draw a connection to the Republican party.

    By the way, that didn’t actually happen. How odd.

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