Conservative Books and Imagination

In City Journal, Harry Stein writes on the future of conservative books:

Outside the new [conservative-minded] imprints, the New York publishing world clearly remains a liberal stronghold, uncomprehending of, when not outright hostile to, conservative ideas—and authors. Mainstream media outlets that conventional publishers rely on to tout books have just as little enthusiasm for conservative titles. And though George W. Bush has been an incredible boon to conspiracy-mongering authors on the left, he’s done the opposite of good for sales at the new imprints, which have faced a much tougher market of late. In fact, there is much evidence suggesting that the rich vein of Coulter-style liberal-bashing polemics that drove so much of conservative publishing’s healthy sales has largely been mined. Amid all this uncertainty, will the new conservative imprints survive?

Whether particular publishing imprints and companies make it in the long run is unimportant to me. Conservative books will find printers, generally speaking. What I’d like to see is a surge in intellectual vigor in conservatives and Christians alike.

Also in City Journal, Andrew Klavan says some of us don’t imagine things very well.

Now you may say that capturing the imagination isn’t the job of our fighting forces. But this is America, remember: we’re a country of the imagination, a living state of mind. We’re not connected to one another by bloodlines or any depth of native memory. We’re the descendants of an idea that every generation has to learn to hold in its collective consciousness. More than in any other country, it matters in America who we think we are and what we believe we’re doing.

City Journal also has some damning material on Obama advocate and revolutionary, Bill Ayers. Sol Stern writes:

Calling Bill Ayers a school reformer is a bit like calling Joseph Stalin an agricultural reformer. (If you find the metaphor strained, consider that Walter Duranty, the infamous New York Times reporter covering the Soviet Union in the 1930s, did, in fact, depict Stalin as a great land reformer who created happy, productive collective farms.)

0 thoughts on “Conservative Books and Imagination”

  1. I have to agree that vigor is wanting when it comes to books with conservative foundations, whether they be fiction or non. It’s a matter of us having to be twice as good and getting half as much as the other guy when it comes to our writing. That’s a good thing for our writing in the end.

    Unless the Web becomes a hostage and no longer is allowed to be an open conduit of communication and information, Conservatives, Christians, and all the rest still have a way to get out there that side steps the usual channels.

    Innovate or die.

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