I’ve got it!

For some time I’ve been dealing with the problem of controlling my weight.

Now, inspired by Pres. Obama (peace be upon him) and our legislators, I have seen the way to weight loss success!

Why do people get overweight? Because they take in more calories than they spend, of course.

Why don’t they spend enough calories? Because they’re inactive.

What do you need to become more active? Energy.

Where does energy come from? From food.

Therefore I shall eat more, in order to lose weight.

I call it my Weight Loss Stimulus Plan.

0 thoughts on “I’ve got it!”

  1. This is brilliant.

    You are my write-in candidate for Messiah-in- Waiting for once Obama finishes up his 16 years.

    I think he deserves double the usual term, I mean. He is BO.

  2. Brilliant, but….

    …isn’t blaming the Stimulus Plan on Obama a bit like blaming the Patriot Act on Bush. I’ll admit I’ve probably done both, but in reality both were bad decisions made by both parties in an attempt to look like they’re responding vividly to an immediate threat, so they can stay popular.

  3. Since the Stimulus bill got precisely no Republican votes in the House, I’m willing to give the R’s a little credit here. They haven’t acted well in the past, but if they’re finding some spine now, I want to support that.

  4. Hear, hear. We’ve got to fight for private ownership and personal responsibility, and I hope the GOP leadership is on board with that. Maybe we should talk to them more.

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