American Lifestyles

The upper middle class can’t live in New York on $500,000. As almost sickening as that is, I still say government should not limit any private salary. They can set the pay for government jobs, and that’s it. They can offer government employees good health care, but keep it at that. They can set up IRAs for their people, but please don’t force me to invest in the government’s plan.

0 thoughts on “American Lifestyles”

  1. The government should not limit private salaries, but a business that is propped up by the government is not exactly private. Going on welfare, personal or corporate, should hurt.

  2. Well, corporate welfare needs to stop too.

    I heard and read this afternoon that a new health council will be established with the passing of the Tax-the-Future bill. Maybe the committee charged with reconciling the House and Senate bills can remove that part, but I don’t know. The immoral and unethical are leading the country right now, not to paint too broadly. An anti-democracy crowd is trying to win its way.

  3. I don’t count on anything being changed. I’m sure the good little drones in the House have lots of political pay backs and this bill will do some of that nicely.

    My only hope is some of these jugheaded CEOs will think twice about slurping at the public trough if there are wage caps involved. What does it say about other sorts of compensation? No matter what, I think there is little for the down trodden tax payer to applaud.

  4. Generally the conference committee bill is much larger than either the House or Senate version. The normal course of action is to approve all non-overlapping provisions. For example if the House approved building a road to the east of town and the Senate approved a road to the west, the conference committe will try to approve both if possible. So, $10 in spending from the House and $9 in spending from the Senate may well end up as $15 in spending when all is said and done.

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