The crime of self-defence

“Why,” you may ask, “has Pres. Obama (peace be upon him) opened the door to the prosecution of former Bush administration legal advisors, those who gave opinions that techniques like waterboarding could be legally employed on captured terrorists? Isn’t that ex post facto law? Won’t it have a chilling effect on speech, warning people that they can be called into court merely for expressing an opinion? And won’t it be dangerous for our national security?”

Ah, but you miss the genius of the strategy. I’ve got it figured out, I think.

For conservatives, the ideal condition for our country is to be free, strong and respected in the world.

But for liberals, the ideal condition is to be a victim. Liberals love victims. Victims get all the love and sympathy, as well as lots of presents.

For liberals, the greatest moment in recent history was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11/01, when the president of France said, “Today, we are all Americans.”

Liberals desperately want to recapture that glorious moment.

And of course the simplest way to accomplish that is to be attacked again. For liberals, it’s a tragedy that our interrogators learned about plans for another terrorist bombing in Los Angeles through using “enhanced interrogation techniques” on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

For the Left–the hard Left, anyway–that’s an opportunity lost. If we could have just had another smoking tower and thousands dead in Los Angeles, the world would have loved us again!

A few thousand dead is a small price to pay for satisfaction like that. The hard Left figures we have way too many people around anyway.

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