Portraying Mr. Obama as The Joker from the most recent Batman movie is racist and hateful. The same of Mr. Bush, not so much. I wonder if it would be worth the effort to compose (being respectful of copyright) a variety of politicians as villains. Throwing all ideology aside, there could be Barney Frank as Stephen King’s Pennywise, John McCain as Norman Bates (done as a movie poster so the connection could be made), Arlan Specter as Two-Face, and Rahm Emanuel as Alex de Large.
Course, I usually just think of these things and don’t act on them.
Reminds me of the poster one of my Seminary profs had up in his office. It showed Chuck Swindoll riding a big red Harley, looking just like Arnold. Underneath the caption read, “The Sermonator.”
Boy, he can preach a mean sermon. I’ve always liked him.