OK, Phil, you asked for it.
1. Snag a theology book or a book on religious living. Take no more than six seconds deliberating your choice. Just snag and return.
2. Turn to page 66 and find the sixth sentence.
3. Copy it into your meme post with proper reference.
4. Post your quotation with the introduction and rules on your blog, linking to the post where you first read The Meme of the Beast.
“Thi dette er det absolut nødvendige i en virkelig Frikirke, og der hvor det mangler, er man allerede langt inde i de falske, katholske Spor, som fører til Trælldom.”
(From Professor Georg Sverdrups Samlede Skrifter i Udvalg, Tredie Bind. [The Collected Works of Professor Georg Sverdrup in Selection, Vol. 3].) The English translation (with apologies to our Catholic readers): “For this is the absolutely necessary thing in a truly free church, and wherever it is lacking, we have already gone far along the false, Catholic way which leads to slavery.”
Sinister. This meme is evil.
*I hope it spreads like fire.*
I don’t have a blog, so I’ll post here in the comments.
From “The Varieties of Religious Experience” by William James.
“My heart seems to recognize it.”