Ha! I thought of asking you questions like this, but no, I have sighed off of it. Now you have broken new ground.
BookTrib is a lit-blog aggregate, a website that pulls content feeds from many book-related sites. I recently discovered their weekly giveaway, though most of those books aren’t ones I’ve been excited about. One of their editors ask us to add their widget to our blog, so I did, but I haven’t see the widget do anything and I don’t see it at all now. Maybe they got their cart before their horse somehow.
I see it. I tried clicking on it once, and it appeared to upload a bunch of stuff to my computer, then nothing happened. But I see the link on the Art & Lit-blogs list now, and can see what they’re doing. I have no objection.
Ha! I thought of asking you questions like this, but no, I have sighed off of it. Now you have broken new ground.
BookTrib is a lit-blog aggregate, a website that pulls content feeds from many book-related sites. I recently discovered their weekly giveaway, though most of those books aren’t ones I’ve been excited about. One of their editors ask us to add their widget to our blog, so I did, but I haven’t see the widget do anything and I don’t see it at all now. Maybe they got their cart before their horse somehow.
We’ve gotten occasional readers from BookTrib in the past. I don’t know how many.
I see it. I tried clicking on it once, and it appeared to upload a bunch of stuff to my computer, then nothing happened. But I see the link on the Art & Lit-blogs list now, and can see what they’re doing. I have no objection.
I thought it was some new eschatological theory. You know, PreTrib, PostTrib, MidTrib, Booktrib …
Is BookTrib “dispy” pre or classical pre?
Likely it’s dipsy pre, with an emphasis on the loop-de-loop parts.