Call it a draw

I got into a disagreement with the gang over at Threedonia today, and found myself decidedly in the minority. They are participating enthusiastically in “Draw Mohammed Day” today, and I said I couldn’t support that.

The odd thing is that, unlike most instances where I find people I like disagreeing with me, I remain pretty sure I’m right.

Which doesn’t necessarily mean I think they’re wrong.

I think we’re dealing with essentially different goals.

I believe I see the point of “Draw Mohammed Day” pretty well. In fact, for a short time I was considering participating. I can see it as a line drawn in the sand against Islamic noodgery, the constant “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too” mindset that says they are free to insult our religion, but we have to keep our unclean hands off theirs. “This is America,” the Mohammed Drawers are saying. “In America, we may not like it if somebody insults our religion, but if somebody does, we don’t kill them. They don’t even go to jail. If you want to live here, then get used to our rules. Otherwise, go back to the Sharia paradise you came from.”

If promoting Americanism is your primary value, I entirely understand.

But my primary value is not Americanism. It’s the Kingdom of God. I want to win the Muslims for Christ, and Christ’s commandment is to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us.

I don’t want anybody to insult my faith. So I won’t insult theirs. Even if they started it.

Seems pretty simple to me.

0 thoughts on “Call it a draw”

  1. To win converts from a culture that worships strength, you have to appear strong. Caving in to demands that they know we should consider excessive makes us appear weak.

    I didn’t draw Muhammed or posted any such drawings. It would just offend Muslim friends I have, who are good people and do their best to get along here. But I don’t think the fact some people did would hurt the cause of conversion, either to Christianity or the kind of western values we can live with.

  2. Lars, I think yours is a good position. It’s similar to the political hypocrisy charge. It’s too easy to make and the more we all make it, the less effect it has and the uglier our interaction gets. We don’t play tit for tat.

  3. Phil/Ori…. Ori/Phil…. Hhhhmmmmmm………….

    Ok, cut the kid in half…………. uuuhhhmmmm………..

    Nope that won’t do……

    Here it is.. I agree with both of you!! Great wisdom here from all…….. well…. actually I really agree more with Ori… Christ did throw out the money changers…. Strength IS what they respect.

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