BitterSweetLife is asking for quotes from authors about other authors. He leads in this quote from Flannery O’Connor:
This book of C.S. Lewis on prayer is a good one but I don’t like to pray any better for reading it. I also just read one of his called Miracles, which is very fine. Deceptively simple. You really need to read every sentence twice. Go among the biblical scholars, says he, as a sheep among wolves. – “Habit of Being”
The only one I can contribute is one I added to the quotes at the top of BwB this weekend. P.G. Wodehouse in the later part of his life said, “I don’t want to be like Bernard Shaw. He turned out some awfully bad stuff in his nineties. He said he knew the stuff was bad but he couldn’t stop writing.”
Sherry has several quotes though.
“He said he knew the stuff was bad but he couldn’t stop writing.”
That is a frightening thought. And since writers, according to C.S. Lewis, are simply people who cannot help themselves when it comes to the written word, this is a fate that all “true” authors would have to fear. 🙂
Yes, we would if there were actually something to fear save fear itself.