Concerning Lions

Kudos to a great new band based in Chattanooga, Concerning Lions. This isn’t a great video, but the song is cool and, I believe, will be in an upcoming album. I wish I could point you to the lyric, but if you’re in a place where you can crank the volume, then you’ll be able to hear the words yourself, which is, like, better.

Concerning Lions – Young Curmudgeon – TBP from Concerning Lions on Vimeo.

8 thoughts on “Concerning Lions”

  1. yeah! what a song.

    Young Curmudgeon

    I cannot break a tree with my bare hands

    Or undo all the damage that your land

    has suffered in the months since your favorite son left his bed

    Every door of your house has a bolt

    that you slide into place against the cold

    But I will let the winter rinse the walls and lift your head

    I won’t raise my voice

    or hand against your choice

    to stand and watch for the son you lost

    I will love your earth

    and beg it to bring worth

    to what I have and what he has not

    A leaf may fall to water and sail off

    Or wait atop a building for the frost

    But it will not return to the great branch that was its start

    Underneath the rule of sun and cloud

    you keep your wishes buried in the ground

    And I have found the spot and set my heart beside your heart

    I won’t raise my voice

    or hand against your choice

    to stand and watch for the son you lost

    But I will love your earth

    and beg it to bring worth

    to what I have and what he has not

    Run to him like a boy running to the sea

    and weigh his gentle hand down with your ring

    The one I’ve often seen and hoped you might one day make mine

    You listen to my long withheld complaint

    that I deserve your love and he your hate

    you say before you go though he was dead now he’s alive

    I won’t raise my voice

    or hand against your choice

    to set your arm round the son you lost

    But I will love your earth

    and grow to see the worth

    of who he is and who I am not

    Now the season turns

    our eyes up to the sun

    to change, the air, the earth and me

    I know your love outweighs

    my pride in his disgrace

    the fields are high and the boy goes free

  2. just your friendly neighborhood lyric man. Actually I don’t think I got them all right. I think the first line is “kill a tree”, not “break a tree”, though I’m not sure why you’d want to do either.

  3. I’m going to listen to the song carefully in a few minutes and may have something for you on the tree part. The stop in the song is part of it, but I believe the guitarist on the right fumbled it. He was to carry the music for several bars then be joined by the banjo player.

  4. I think I said it wrong. The banjoist runs with the music for a short bit and the guitarist is supposed to pick up several measures before he does in this video. He appears to be concerned about a passing train, as if that means they should start the video over. He’s probably right.

    I think the first line is “Can I kill a tree …?”

  5. i think you’re right about that pause. looked almost like they planned it. There’s another video of them doing this song, but it skips the beginning. so that’s no help with that first line.

  6. I should have said that I heard this song live at the concert shown in that other video, so that was the main reason I said the stop was planned.

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