Snow on the roof, Blood On the Sun

Blood On the Sun

Tonight was Part Two of the heavy snow drill. First you blow out the driveway. The second evening, you rake snow off the roof, so that ice dams don’t build up and cause damage. This, unfortunately, causes snow to fall onto your driveway again, because your roof directly overhangs it on one side (if you’re me). Also the snow plow came by today and pushed its usual glacial detritus into the driveway entrance. So that has to be done too.

It would make more sense, of course, to rake the roof first, and avoid blowing out the same section of the driveway twice. But because of the early dark this time of year, that’s not practical unless I want to work by starlight. (Hint: I don’t. Especially when it’s cloudy.) Anyway, the snow plow never comes until that second day, so I have to roll it out and rev it up anyway.

Came in to make supper, and discovered my microwave oven is dead. And yes, I checked the circuit breakers. And I tried it in another outlet. And I tried something else in that outlet.

Tomorrow night: A trip to Sam’s Club. I’m a bachelor. Without a microwave, I’ll starve to death.

No soon. But eventually.

Just a quick review of a book recently finished—the late Stuart M. Kaminsky’s CSI: NY: Blood On the Sun. TV tie-in books can be pretty bad, but this is Kaminsky. He elevated anything he touched.

The plot involves the murder of a rabbi, shot execution-style and then crucified to the floor of a room in his synagogue. Then a suburban husband and wife are found murdered in their home, along with their teenaged daughter, who was molested before death. Their young son is missing, and some of the clues point to him as the killer.

I have a vague idea that I bought this book when it was first published in 2006, and then set it aside when I realized it would be dealing with the issue of Messianic Judaism. This is a sensitive subject, and I feared that even an author of Kaminsky’s understanding would be unable to treat it fairly. I’m happy to report I was wrong. I’m confident Kaminsky’s view of Messianic Jews was very different from mine, but I thought he handled the subject, and the characters, with great decency.

An enjoyable book. Better than the show it was based on.

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