Our friend Loren Eaton has a short story in the latest issue of Port Iris.
In “The Breaking,” a cripple named Moses struggles to beat back ever-encroaching growths named krim as they slowly advance upon his rag-tag village. For help with the work he has only an orphan, a ditchdigger’s son and the indolent child of a wealthy trader. Blasted and apparently barren, the krim look like dead, weather-beaten bushes. Yet they continue to spread, inexorable and merciless, and no one in the village heeds Moses’ warning of a flame that will soon sweep through them, devouring as it goes. …
Thanks, Phil! I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it.
(And you have my full permission to hate it if taste so dictates.)
I expected it to be a little darker, but that’s my only real criticism. I like it.
It’s a rare day when someone wants one of stories to be more bleak. Many thanks for the kind words, sir.