Nathan Fillion Inspired Campus Violence (Sorta)

Well, not violence per se. Theater professor James Miller of the University of Wisconsin–Stout put a picture of Nathan Fillion with a quote from Firefly on his office door, and the chief of campus police, a woman, took issue with it. Read the details and see the office door poster from FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. “Colleges and universities are supposed to foster brave and bold environments of freewheeling intellectual inquiry and expression. If a quote from a network science fiction show is a bridge too far, something has gone seriously wrong,” FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said.

3 thoughts on “Nathan Fillion Inspired Campus Violence (Sorta)”

  1. Personally, I always kinda liked that quote. Captain Mal lives in a rough universe, and he’s the kind of man you want at your side in it. It means a lot when someone isn’t going to stab you in the back.

  2. I love Firefly, and the quote. It was actually meant to give someone some peace-of-mind. Funny how it had the opposite affect here!

  3. I would thought she would have been won over by his personal charm, and maybe she was but then hated herself for being won over and took it out on Prof. Miller.

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