I confess I learned about the new Kindle from TOP10 Kindle Fan and friend of BwB Hunter Baker on Twitter. He and the world have been excited over the news. The Kindle Fire, to be released mid-November, is full color and able to play videos and read this blog (among other web-related things). Here’s a round up of Kindle news and commentary:
- MSN Money: Amazon stock is up 3%. “Maybe the Kindle isn’t an iPad killer but a rest-of-the-field killer.”
- Newsfactor: Amazon Silk, a “‘split browser’ architecture that makes the hardware move faster” is a big difference in favor of the Kindle Fire.
- Amazon’s is probably losing money on its tablet, whereas Apple makes money.
- Gizmodo describes the product in full.
It looks good. I’m worried about battery life – I like the fact that I only charge my simple B&W kindle about once a month 🙂